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Area I: Assess Needs, Resources and Capacity for Health Education/Promotion

1.1 Plan assessment process for health education/promotion

1.2 Access existing information and data related to health

1.3 Collect primary data to determine needs

1.4 Analyze relationships among behavioral, environmental, and other factors that influence health

1.5 Examine factors that influence the process by which people learn

1.6 Examine factors that enhance or impede the process of health education/promotion

1.7 Determine needs for health education/promotion based on assessment findings

The Rights of Incarcerated, Disabled, and Immigrant Women & Reproductive Justice

The purpose of this project is to obtain information regarding women battling incarceration, immigration, and disabilities. This powerpoint contains statistics regarding each of these factors as well as resources to change or improve current conditions. This collection of work pertains to Area I of the Health Educator Competencies as it requires data analysis and and informed planning process.  

Public Demonstration
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